Friday, May 22, 2009

Celebrities - They have it all? Maybe not.

Our general perception of celebrities is that they have it all. They have the lifestyle us mere mortals dream of. They have the money, houses, cars, clothes, jewelerry. They have the perfect features (That sometimes money will buy), white teeth, perfectly made up faces, manicured nails, a hair not out of place. They have it all? Right?

Maybe not. For every celebrity we envy, there is another celebrity out there falling apart, or leaving the fame game - sometimes leaving it through death.

Yesterday I read about the death of an actress, well noted for her role in the third Spiderman movie. She hung herself in her apartment. It got me thinking of the many celebrities out there, that do have the looks, the money, the talent - they have everything we dream of and more, but they are so desperately unhappy. Unhappy enough to turn to drugs, alcohol anything that numbs reality. In some cases, unhappy enough to take their lives.

Think of the list of female celebrities that have suffered eating disorders or anorexia. The line would be kilometres long. Think of those who have been to rehab for alcohol or drug addiction. Think of those who have taken their own life, whether it be Kurt Cobain or Lucy Gordon.

Whether it be Britneys meltdowns, Mary Kates anorexia or Lindsays constant rehab visits. These people in the public eye, that seem to have it all, only seem so desperate to escape themselves. Which makes me wonder, is the fame game all it's cracked up to be?

We can hold these people in high regard. We are naive, and we may think they have everything, so how on earth can they be so unhappy? No matter how much they seem to have, it just goes to show, celebrities aren't invincible. They too, are humans, humans who are entitled to make mistakes just like us. Humans who are entitled to learn from their mistakes, without being publicly ridiculed. So maybe next time we think they have it all, we shouldn't envy them, or wonder how they possibly could go off the rails. Because sometimes situations that we don't understand, aren't all they are cracked up to be.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I've always believed that the grass on the other side of the fence is what governs all our lives. Its ironic how most 'self-made' celebrities crave the lime light so much before they make it big, and after a while they're beating up paparazzi and wearing wigs and masks to go buy grocery! People who don't make it there are probably better off in their small modelling gigs.
